Hi Magsight people,
Thought you'd like to see the results of my
Wisconsin bow hunt for bears. You might
remember that when the sight came to our
house, I asked Mike to put the sight on "my"
bow. So of course he had to call you and
order another one for his bow. Anyway,
I'm glad that I was aggressive in getting your
sight put on my bow, because it worked out
just great when I killed a 315 lb. Great
American Black Bear in northern Wisconsin.
I had to take a bit more time since I had the
#2 power lens in and, then, everything you see
is black when you're aiming at a black
bear. Once I found the spot, he was dead
in 20 seconds. I really like the fact that I
can press that small metal shaft to turn on
the sight pin light.
On my old site, I used to have to turn a
screw-type pin, which was hard to do when your
fingers were freezing, plus, it was easy to
forget which way to turn it as a deer was
walking in and there wasn't much time to mess
with it. This is easy and there's only
one way for it to go. Even without the light,
the pin is easily seen and it is strong enough
to hold up under brushy condition when walking
to and from stands, stalking, etc. I also
hunted in Ontario, choosing to let some small
bears walk, but I still put the scope through
its paces as I walked in thick brush, loaded
and unloaded it in a soft case, fell down as I
tripped over branches while holding my bow,
etc. It's still in great shape. Am
looking forward to hunting for whitetail in
Ontario at the end of the month and also will
be hunting for turkey today since it's the
opening of our fall turkey season.
Of course, I have to clean the house
first. Hmm, how does that come under
"hunting". Anyway, Mike and I both have
found your sights to be of top quality and we
wish you great success as you begin your next
season of promoting your MagSights.
Best Wishes,
Cathy B.