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Kathy with her 10 Pointer, and a Mag Sight Hunter, Gold Edition

     Kathy writes to us once more. She and Mike have been out hunting once again. If you remember in the last letter she downed a 315 pound bear using her bow, equipped with a Mag Sight Hunter, Gold Edition.

     Well this time, she got a 275 pound Ten Pointer. She says "he was down within 25 yards".



     Below we have a picture of Mike with Bullwinkle.

A picture of Mike with his Moose.

Here we have a picture of Mike with his Moose. Kathy writes that, "he was taken near Nipigon, Ontario". She goes on to say that "it rained all day, but it was a successful day for them."

     Again, she says "Mike was using a Mag Sight Hunter too". She continues with, "Mag Sight is doing it's part to help us be successful hunters".

     She says of the Moose, "Not a nice rack, but definitely good eating".


Hey, I do believe the Moose is smiling...

Phil, Master Craftsman, Co-Owner/Mag Sight Products,
using the Mag Sight Hunter 3D for this buck.


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